People go to all day festivals for many reason... but most importantly, they all come for the love of music! I Love This City 2012 was the first event of its kind. It is strictly for California and hosted specific DJ's directed towards the Northern and Southern crowds. There were 2 events, the first being in Northern California at the Shoreline Amphitheater and the second in San Diego, who cares where. Fortunately for those living in Northern California, you were given a 2 day event! Where as San Diego was one day and had a pathetic line up if you ask me. SF had the best of the best performing this weekend!
Originally, CHUCKIE was supposed to perform, but due to last minute travel issues, ILTC had to find replacemnts. Fortunately for us, we were able to see TENDERLIONS. Local boys from SF who knew how to start a party! Cute and family orientated...they invited their parents and grandparents to the show...I had the privilege of partying with mom and grandma! Wild ones!! These boys threw it down! I don't know if it was their set or if it was their buddy dressed in a leopard print bodysuit, but they got the crowd on their feet and ready to start the weekend off the right way! Check them out on Soundcloud.

Steve Aoki really knows how to get the crowd going with not only his music, but with his energizer bunny personality! This man is all over the place on stage, which made me question- does he have a re-recorded set? Either way, I still enjoyed myself. One second he is spinning, then the next he is tossing cakes in peoples faces... yes....cakes! He threw a cake into one "lucky" fans face. I hope she was hungry because he got her good! He comes out with a second, but before he could get someone else, I fan ran on stage and swiped it out of his hands. But fear not, Aoki comes out with a third cake. Not only did he think the crowd was hungry, but a bit thirsty as well. He shook up a bottle of champagne and showered the crowd with it. He pulled a few fans on stage and threw them onto a blow up boat which is meant for pools now swimming crowds, but Aoki doesn't care, because he is STEVE AOKI! Not only was the crowd entertained by his crazy ways, but they were impressed by his music! I went wild when he started playing the Ladi Dadi- Tommy Trash remix... but I was so impressed with his new song with Knife Party...well played Aoki.... Bravo to a well done show. Oh, and BTW, digging the skeleton leggings.... Only you and your long hair could pull that look off!
If you don't know who Duck Sauce is, then you obviously don't listen to EDM. Sorry, I'm not sorry, but you need to youtube Duck Sauce ASAP. You have to hear them live to fully understand what they are all about. Duck Sauce has a bit of a disco touch where you just want to get down and boogie all night... check out their video for "aNyway". It is personally one of my favorite songs of theirs...and YES they played it! I was dancing like a mad woman...but then again, when am I not dancing! Of course they played their big hits "Barbra Streisand" and "The Big Bad Wolf".... everyone started howling like a wolf... pretty great!
Before switching locations and sunset...
...After switching locations and sunset
Sebastien Ingrosso, classy man he is! Opens with Swedish House Mafia's big new hit, "Greyhound", just like they did at Coachella 2012. Of course, at Coachella it was WILD, but I have to give him credit for getting the crowd pumped with that as his opening song! I will admit that his solo performance at ILTC was better than Coachella, not just because of his set list, but his graphics. They were pretty weak at Coachella this year, but were well put together at ILTC. Personally, the night would have been a lot better if Ingrosso was the final performer... his lazars and lights were just mind blowing!!!
Swedish House Mafia- Coachella 2012
Dying over all the colorful lazars!
Afrojack...What can I say.... it was a bit pathetic. Of course this is my opinion, but I've seen him do better. As the final artist of the day, it was weak, UNTIL his last song. He played the best Michael Jackson remix I've ever heard! Other than that I was a bit disappointed. His little buddy he had with him was driving me crazy. I wanted to grab the mic from him and hit him on the head with it yelling, "SHUT UP!!" No one wants to hear him talk, we just want to enjoy the music! Afrojack did impress me by chugging goose with no chaser.... the life of a dj must be rough (not!). Oh and before I forget Afrojack, where was Ms. Hilton?? I was expecting to see your excessively tall life size barbie doll at your side, considering she is preparing herself to be the next "big dj".... yes people..... Paris Hilton is making her own EDM album. Prepare to die....
I Love This City Day 1 was a success and after 6 hours of dancing I surprisingly didn't want the night to end!
Day 2 of I Love This City was the day I had been looking forward too for MONTHS! Why?... because my main man TIESTO was playing! Rumor has it that he couldn't headline the show because he had to get to Vegas right after and perform at 1:30am... just living the dream Tiesto!
It was obvious that more people purchased single day passes for Day 2 because Shoreline was PACKED! It took me about an hour to get into the floor section for the main stage. I was dedicated to get down way was I sitting on the lawn for Tiesto! I wanted to get as close as possible...
By the time I finally squeezed and talked my way through the line, MADEON was performing. This little kid rocked it! I couldn't get over how young he looks... what is he 15? 16? How ever old this kid is, he put on an amazing show! His graphics were legit and his set list was awesome!
Hard to see, but he looks no more than 16 years old...
LAIDBACK LUKE! WOW! He can really put on a show! I've seen him four times now and this was his best performance! You had to be there (obviously), but it was mind blowing!!!! His choice of songs were GLORIOUS!!! The fact that he played Dirty Talk, Maximal Crazy, Turbulence, and Internet Friends was WILD! Other DJ's would tease the crowd by playing parts of Internet Friends like, "YOU BLOCKED ME ON FACEBOOK, NOW YOU ARE GOING TO DIE....", but never the drop (which is the best part!). The crowd had no idea that was coming our way!! Everyone went crazy when the drop finally hit... I know I couldn't control myself! HE PLAYED JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE "I'M BRINGING SEXY BACK"....enough said! He even played Nero- Crush on You... Honestly LL went all out! I really loved his graphics... he had this virtual 3D grid of San Francisco... I felt like I watching Tron: The San Francisco edition.... If you haven't seen Laidback Luke before, put him on your Bucket List... you won't be disappointed!
Here are some teasers of his performance from Saturday...
I didn't take many photos of LL because I was too busy dancing...
I've seen Tiesto so many times now, but he just keeps getting better to me! Sure he is a bit trancey, but that's what I like! Oh Tiesto, what can I say other than I LOVE YOU! He opened with "Chasing Summer" and the second that drop came...the subs just take over your body! EVERYONE WAS OUT OF CONTROL! Tiesto had the best graphics of them all..... hands down! He had clips of gorgeous woman seductively moving with water falling on them.... glimpses of women's eyes blinding at the crowd.... silhouettes of men and woman was a performance piece! I couldn't stop dancing... There is so much I could say about him, but I will refrain... Basically, I never wanted it to end! HE HAD THE CROWD GOING NUTS!!
Blurry, but I could careless...

Glitter and Lazars!
To finish the second, and final night of I Love This City was DAVID GUETTA. I think I can say this for pratically everyone at ILTC- when David Guetta started playing, it was the loudest BOOOOOOOM I have ever heard... I literally JUMPEd out of my seat! Like many of these other DJ's, I have seen DG before. This was not my favorite performance he put on. In fact, the crowd entertained me more. A girl snuck on stage and was ambushed by staff....hilarious! Even David Guetta was cracking up... A group of acrobatic, neon lit ravers were standing on peoples shoulders and doing stunts... FULLY impressed! Personally, I don't believe he was playing a live set. He put on a better show at Coachella 2012 and EDC 2011. HE WOULDN'T EVEN DO AN ENCORE! Granted he wasn't allowed, but screw the rules...they are meant to be broken at raves! I would have been more impressed with DG if he had played for another few minutes... I won't deny that I had a blast! Half way through his set, my friends and I ran as close to the stage before the staff pushed us back! Also, my friend put me on his shoulders and I was on yea, I had a great time! 

*Thank you jeremykirkf2 for posting videos on youtube....